Remember Prisoners of Conscience in your Will

Prisoners of Conscience has been fighting for justice and supporting human rights defenders since 1962. We’re here to help brave prisoners of conscience at their time of greatest need, wherever they are in the world and with your support, we can be here to help the people who need us for generations to come.

Please join us in supporting them and stand up to injustice by making a gift to Prisoners of Conscience in your Will today.

Supporting Prisoners of Conscience in your Will

We would not be the organisation we are today without the generosity of supporters like you who leave us gifts in their Wills.

Many people think that only the very wealthy leave money to charities in their Will, or that only very large sums can make a difference, but this really isn’t the case.

Your gift, however small or large, will help us support prisoners of conscience around the world well into the future, helping future generations challenge injustice, speak out against abuses of power and fight for a fairer society.

Once you have made provision for your loved ones, please do consider leaving a gift in your Will to Prisoners of Conscience.

What kind of gift can I leave in my Will?

Most of our supporters choose to leave a % sum of their estate to us (otherwise known as a residuary gift), but there are several types of gift you could make in your Will. These include:


A residuary legacy is a percentage of what remains of your estate once your loved ones have been provided for and any debts or expenses have been deducted.


This is a gift of a specific sum of money of your choosing.


This is a gift of a specific item, such as a piece of jewellery, an antique or a property.


This is a gift you leave to someone for a set period of time, before it passes to another beneficiary. For example, you may wish for a loved one to live in your house for their lifetime, before it is left to charity when they pass away.

Reasons to write or update your will

Having a clearly written and up-to-date Will is the only way to make sure that your final wishes are carried out as you would want them to be. It is a last chance to remember the people and causes you care most about and helps avoid confusion and stress for loved ones at what can be a very difficult time.

Adding a Codicil to your Will

If you already have a Will but wish to include a gift to Prisoners of Conscience, you can do so easily by adding a Codicil. Your solicitor will be able to arrange this, to ensure your new instructions align with your existing Will.

Write your Will for free

Because gifts in Wills make such an important contribution to our work, we offer all our supporters a free Will writing service through our partnership with Kwil.

Kwil offers an online and telephone Will writing service to Prisoners of Conscience supporters in the UK at no cost to you or to us. Simply visit Kwil and use the code ‘CONSCIENCE’ to claim your free Will or call 0800 061 4934 to speak with a Will writing expert today.

There’s no obligation to leave Prisoners of Conscience a gift in your Will, but we hope that once your loved ones are taken care of, you’ll consider remembering us too.

Letting us know about your gift

You don’t need to tell us if you plan to leave us a gift in your Will but doing so gives us the opportunity to say thank you and to keep you updated about our work, if you would like that.

If you do choose to let us know about your Gift, we will listen to you with sensitivity and treat any information you choose to share with us confidentially. You can change your mind at any time about how and if we communicate with you about your kind gift. Please contact us on 0207 407 6644 or email if you have any questions, want to let us know about your gift, or would like to speak with someone about your plans.

Thank you.



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